Tips for Healing

Had a Bad Birth?
There are some things you can do right away to begin the healing process…

1. Get validation
A woman’s first step on her path to healing is usually when she realises that it would be understandable if she felt bad about her birth. This is the moment when she realises that her feelings are OK, her response is normal, and her emotions are understandable, considering her experience. Many women find Birthtalk’s “Healing From Birth” support group is the first place they receive this validation. Part of the process comes from hearing other women’s experiences – hearing that you are not alone, that others have felt similar ways to you, and that it is possible to heal.
Read women’s healing journey’s here.

2. Get Your Notes
Accessing the Notes from your previous birth can begin a new phase of the healing journey. Going over the records with an experienced and understanding midwife can offer new insights, highlight new areas to process, and enable a woman to begin to reclaim the birth as her own. Read our article Retrieving your records – how to get them, what to do with them, and why it can be a healing step, which gives a list of exactly what to request from the hospital (important, otherwise you may just get a one-page overview), and some examples of how other women have used their notes as part of their healing journey. Many women take advantage of a Private Consultation with Debby Gould, midwife and Birthtalk co-founder, to go over their notes. (if you live outside of the Greater Brisbane Area, you can post a copy of your notes to Deb, and arrange a phone consultation.)

3. Write your Birth Story
The process of writing the Birth Story (perhaps using your Medical Records as a guide) can awaken a heightened understanding of the experience, and an appreciation of just what you went through. It may also pinpoint areas that are hazy that you may want to explore further. Read our article : How to Write Your Birth Story After a Traumatic Birth (& why it can be a helping step) for guidance on this healing tool.

4. Get some different information
Check out our Suggested Reading and Articles pages for information about birth and birth trauma that is often difficult to find elsewhere, but which can be vital steps along the path to understanding and moving on.