Caesarean and Birthing After Caesarean Issues

Birthtalk is co-founder of the Caesarean Awareness Network Australia (CANA).
We have a special interest and understanding in the issues facing women regarding caesareans.

This section guides you to information about Planning a Positive Caesarean, including a Positive Caesarean Birth Plan, should this be the path you have chosen, or that needs to occur to ensure the safety of you or your child.

We also look at Planning a Positive VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean), and the considerations that need to be explored to move along this path towards an empowering experience.

We offer some recommended links, to empower and inform you and your partner, as you explore your options, and begin to make decisions based on knowledge rather than fear.

We also encourage you to visit Planning a Positive Birth, which is important, regardless of how your baby is born.  This can raise some questions and ideas to set you on a path towards an empowering experience.