Kay : unrecognised trauma, leading to healing and a VBAC


Kay meets her second son in an empowering VBAC

Kay’s first birth resulted in a traumatic postnatal period. Her journey to her second birth resulted in an empowering welcome & positive postnatal period for her & her family.

Why I came to Birthtalk
“I began attending Birthtalk at the suggestion of my homeopath. At that point in time I did not know why. I thought my emergency caesarean for my Number 1 son was necessary because that is what the hospital had recommended. Through the knowledge acquired at Birthtalk I identified unmet birthing needs and experienced many “light bulb” moments. Leading up to my first birth I had felt confidant and believed fully in my body – it had always done what I had asked of it. The emergency caesar left me full of question marks and doubt. I felt a failure, not just in my ability to birth but also as a mother. I lacked confidence in other areas of my life. Before attending Birthtalk I doubt I would have contemplated further pregnancies.

What Birthtalk gave me
Birthtalk has reconfirmed my belief in a woman’s body and its ability to birth. My knowledge about birth has increased ten-fold and I am now able to look at my first birth experience with some perspective in relation to birthing modules and options. Emotionally I still wish for a different entry to the big world for my son.

Following the journey towards my 100_0013supported VBAC birth of Number 2 son I have regained confidence as a mother and as a person. No challenges with bonding or breast-feeding, no feelings of dread on hearing the baby wake from sleep i.e. what am I going to do with him now. Confidence in knowing that my baby is ready to sleep in the first place and strength to follow through my decisions. I am also a stronger role model to Number 1 son as my guilt over his birth has lessened. I know that I am a good mother.

I felt supported by Birthtalk in many ways. In summary, the emptiness and doubt that I carried following the birth of Number 1 son has gone. I recommend Birthtalk to anyone who is thinking of falling pregnant, is pregnant or has birthed. Birthtalk has much to offer men and women who want to be parents, not just regarding birth but also other life scenarios.”