Women’s Stories


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Healing Journeys 

Stories about womens’  experiences with Birthtalk. There are stories and beautiful photos from first-time families, VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) mums, mums having elective or unplanned caesareans, women wanting a better subsequent birth, and those healing after a traumatic birth. Many share how their knowledge and confidence grew, and how their decision-making was impacted by the new understandings they gained from Birthtalk. These are more than testimonials to Birthtalk’s unique philosophy and education…they are testimonials to how amazing women and their partners are, and how strong and courageous they can be, when they are well-supported on the journey to becoming empowered parents. Read stories

Empowering Stories of Birth

Read these stories to understand what birth is like when a woman feels strong and safe, due to the information she has received and the support she has surrounded herself with. A lovely mix of of stories from first-timers, VBAC women, and mums having subsequent vaginal births, in settings including homebirth, birth centre, and hospital births. All these mums are Birthtalk attendees, many had previous traumatic births, none of their births were ‘textbook’, but all were empowering and inspiring. Includes some gorgeous photos of labour and birth. Read stories

Letters to Birthtalk

After women attend Birthtalk, and go on to have subsequent births, they often write to us and let us know about their experience.  We have been in tears often, reading of their empowering births, sometimes after very traumatic births, and hearing the joy and strength in their words.  These letters can be very powerful, sharing the intense emotions felt after a baby is born.  We are grateful for these women for allowing us to share their words. Read letters